
Big Brother 24 is down to just five people competing for the $750,000 prize.
Two houseguests got sent packing during a Double Eviction episode, increasing the number of BB24 jurors to six.
Viewers who tuned in for the Thursday night episode might have come away feeling like there was too much filler, though, as most of the first hour was spent on recapping previous conversations that took place in the house.
At the first Eviction Ceremony of the evening, the voters had to choose between sending out Terrance Higgins or Alyssa Snider.
With a unanimous vote of 4-0, Terrance became the fifth member of the BB24 jury.
Even though viewers knew a Double Eviction was coming, the houseguests appeared to be convinced otherwise.
A week of Big Brother in an hour
As Michael Bruner watched on, Alyssa, Monte Taylor, Brittany Hoopes, Matt Turner, and Taylor Hale played in a new HOH Competition. The winner would get to decide the target for the night, but they would have a very short stint as the new Head of Household.
Turner won the question/answer challenge to take the power. It meant he got to nominate two people for eviction and possibly take a real shot at Michael.
Nominations and an important Power of Veto
Before the show went to commercial, Turner pulled Alyssa aside and told her that she was going on the block, but that the target for eviction was Brittany. He also said that everyone was already on board with sending Brittany to the jury house.
At his Nomination Ceremony, that is exactly what Turner did. After that, all six remaining houseguests went to the backyard to play in the Veto Competition.
Monte won the Power of Veto during the Double Eviction.
Who went to the Big Brother 24 jury with Terrance?
Monte saved Alyssa from the block and Turner put Michael up as the replacement nominee.
Monte, Taylor, and Alyssa got to vote on sending Michael or Brittany to the jury house. By a 3-0 vote, they unanimously voted out Michael, making him the sixth member of the jury.
Not a lot of episodes are left this summer, but here is a breakdown of the BB24 TV schedule for September. It includes a special Friday night episode, and the season finale on a Sunday night instead of a Wednesday night.
Outside of the game, Bayleigh Dayton from BB20 just gave birth. She is married to Chris “Swaggy C” Williams, who she met while inside of the Big Brother house.
Big Brother 24 airs on CBS during Summer 2022.