The latest Big Brother nominations have been revealed, following the shock twist that saw the house split into two separate teams.
During the last eviction, host Julie Chen Moonves confirmed that two individual but simultaneous games of Big Brother were to be played during Week 7 of the CBS show, with five Houseguests living indoors at the “Brochella” music festival all week, and the other five living in the garden at “Dyre Fest.”
Each group has one Head of Household who have now chosen two nominees from their respective groups.
The pair from each group that aren’t nominated come Thursday, August 25, will be the only ones able to vote for the eviction and both teams will lose a player, meaning there will be a double eviction.
So who is at risk of going home? Newsweek has everything you need to know about the teams on Big Brother 2022 and who has been put up for eviction.
Who Is on Which Team on Big Brother 2022?
Following the announcement of the “split” twist on the August 18 episode, Big Brother Houseguests took part in a knockout-style contest to determine who would be the Heads of Household.
Michael was declared the winner and is therefore living indoors at “Brochella” as that group’s Head of Household, while runner-up Terrance is Head of Household for the “Dyre Fest” group.
Michael and Terrance were then set to choose which Houseguests would be on their teams but this footage was not shown in the episode. Fans rushed to the live feeds to find out who would be in what group but were disappointed to find that they had been taken down.
It has since been confirmed that Michael has selected Jasmine Davis, Brittany Hoopes, Taylor Hale and Monte Taylor for his team. Terrance, meanwhile, is on a team with Matthew “Turner” Turner, Alyssa Snider, Joseph Abdin, and Kyle Capener.
Who Is Up for Eviction on Big Brother 2022?
On Michael’s team, Big Brother Houseguests Jasmine and Monte have been nominated.
Michael has revealed to his teammates that Jasmine is his main target for eviction, however, if she manages to get saved after the Power of Veto competition, he is prepared to turn on his Leftovers alliance ally Monte.
The Leftovers, a.k.a. Turner, Monte, Joseph, Brittany, Michael and Taylor, are an alliance that have so far successfully managed to get Ameerah Jones, Nicole Layog and Daniel Durston evicted.
Meanwhile, Terrance has put up Joseph and Turner. At one point Terrance was thinking about nominating Alyssa Snider but Kyle, who is involved in a showmance with Alyssa, exposed the Leftovers alliance to Terrance, leading to him changing his mind and nominate Joseph and Turner.
As Big Brother fans know, all could change after this week’s Power of Veto competition as whoever wins will have the power to change the nominations.
Big Brother continues Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays on CBS.