
Big Brother live feed spoilers now reveal the results of the puzzle challenge that decided the new Head of Household.
Earlier on Thursday evening (September 1), Kyle Capener was evicted on a unanimous 5-0 vote. He officially became the fourth member of the BB24 jury.
During the latest episode, the HOH Competition got started, with six people trying to complete a puzzle to become the new boss of the house.
Matt Turner had to watch while Michael Bruner, Brittany Hoopes, Taylor Hale, Monte Taylor, Terrance Higgins, and Alyssa Snider went at it on the puzzles.
The puzzles weren’t completed before Julie Chen Moonves closed out the episode, and the results won’t be shown until the September 4 installment.
Luckily, the Big Brother live feeds are already turned back on and we now know the Week 9 Head of Household.
Who won the HOH puzzle challenge?
Michael Bruner is the new Head of Household. This marks the third time that he has been HOH this summer, and it gives him some guaranteed safety for the week.
With three HOH wins and five Power of Veto victories under his belt already, Michael ranks among the most successful people to ever play the game. If they do another All-Stars season in the future, he will need to be invited back.
Michael hosts a Nomination Ceremony soon
At some point on Friday (September 2), Michael will reveal who he is nominating for eviction. As it stands, Michael is still very close with Brittany, Taylor, and Monte, likely spelling out that they should be safe for the week.
This means that Michael’s nomination choices will likely come from Alyssa, Terrance, and Turner. Two of them will probably be on the block very soon, with Terrance and Alyssa likely being the people most at risk of heading to the jury house soon.
But is this where Michael takes a shot at Monte? Stay tuned, because it could get very interesting.
For any Big Brother fans who haven’t seen it yet, they released some BB24 jury house photos and a video to help stir up some buzz about the group.
Kyle is heading to a jury house where Jasmine Davis, Indy Santos, and Joseph Abdin are already residing. It seems like Joseph may have a thing or two to say to Kyle when he walks in the front door.
As a reminder, there are some big events coming up on the BB23 schedule, and here is a breakdown of the TV episodes. There is a Double Eviction coming up, a special Friday night episode, and a Sunday evening season finale to wrap up everything.
Big Brother 24 airs on CBS during Summer 2022.